The principles of financial support for all chamber members to participate in fair organizations;

1) Domestic fair participation support; Domestic Industrial fairs and Domestic abroad industrial fairs and İzmir International Fair organizations, which have been published by Turkish Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges (TOBB) and Turkish Trade Registry Gazette as the fairs taking part in the approved list of annual official fairs are provided with the financial support for the members. In addition, any modification and /or attachment lists to be made effective by TOBB during the year can be involved subsequently.

2) International fair participation support: The list of the international fairs to be considered ins cope of the financial support are being published by Turkish Republic Ministry of Economy.

3) The applicants shall take the benefit from financial support for 2 different fair organizations consisting of one international and one domestic fair organization.

4) The participation support for domestic fair provided by our chamber is considered by 50% of expenses up to the limit of 2.500 TL.

5) The participation support for international fair provided by our chamber is considered by 50% of expenses up to the limit of 2.500 USD ( based on the currency on the date of actual payment of financial support)

6) It is necessary to submit the invoice, contract, pay receipts related to the fair expenses should be submitted to our chamber in the attachment of the application.

7) Subject to the approval of our Chamber, the relevant amount of support shall be transferred to the bank account of the applicant.

8) In order to get the benefit from the financial support given by the Chamber, the member should not have any dues to chamber.

9) The financial support for fair participation should only be given the relevant business industry of the applicant.

10) The financial support for fair participation is effective fort he chamber members.